Friday, April 30, 2010

back in the saddle. the pizza eating saddle.

I'm back. I have gainful employment again starting Monday, I passed my thesis defense and earned my master's degree, and though he's not really well, my grandfather is out of the hospital. I feel I can write again without it feeling frivolous.

Oh geez, but there is so much to catch up on!

I have 4 things to tell you all about: the Food Wars DC episode, Denver pizza, hot pockets (yes, hot pockets), and Comet pizza (and ping pong!).

Hold me to it, I'm gonna start here with the Food Wars.

So, back in February during Snowtorious B.I.G., the Travel Channel came to DC to pit Jumbo Slice against Pizza Mart in Adams Morgan, to see who had the better ginormous slice of pizza (they double as bedsheets for those too drunk to make it home). You can see my original review of a DC jumbo slice from Pizza Mart in my very first pizza blog endeavor here (it's pizza number 3). I'm sad that I missed this moment in DC pizza television history due to the snow. Pizza Mart, my choice between the two, did come out on top, and Carla of Top Chef fame (my all time fave Top Chef, too) chose the winner. It was a good slice of tv, and I recommend checkin it out.

Now. Look forward to the other posts over the next few days. I promise.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

need to update

I have stuff to write about Denver and the pizza I ate there, and I have photos to post, but I've not really been feeling up to it lately. I got laid off unexpectedly on Tuesday, and it's been a really ugly mess. The situation is kinda complex, and I'm really bummed out. I'm also frantically searching for a new job. Also, my grandfather is in the hospital, which I can't even think about right now without getting very upset. So, due to all around blah-ness, I'm taking a short pizza blogging break.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pizza fun fact of the day

In Scotland chip shops, they serve a dish known as deep-fried pizza. It is what it sounds like, and more! Not only is the pizza deep-fried (both battered and non-battered varieties are available, with the battered type going by 'pizza crunch'), but then it's served with french fries--and the fries are often stuffed inside the pizza like a pizza and french fry sandwich--and smothered in brown sauce.

I...want it?

Check the wiki article for it here

On a different note, I'm headed to Denver this afternoon for the AWP conference. Hopefully while I'm there I'll get to eat some local pizza. How will Denver pizza compare to DC? We'll have to see...

Monday, April 5, 2010


It's National Deep Dish Pizza Day! According to, National Deep Dish Pizza Day was established "to celebrate Chicago deep dish pizza—originated by Uno’s—and the efforts by Uno Chicago Grill to bring deep dish pizza to the entire United States. The original restaurant, which opened in 1943, began serving deep dish as a way to make sure hungry families could get a “real meal” when it came to pizza. Up to that point, pizza was hardly more than a snack. Annually celebrated on the anniversary of the day (Apr 5, 1979) that the first restaurant outside Chicago opened (in Boston, MA)."

Uh, so clearly some PR preson from Uno's had their hand in this (and in the writing of that "answer") but hey! It's a pizza holiday! Go eat some deep dish (and yes, I'll recommend Armand's--or you could go all the way to Georgetown to eat at an Uno outlet, but why would you want to?) .

Big thanks to Ernie (see previous post) for bringing this to my attention.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Happy Easter!

I desperately need to take my mind off the gobs of candy I've eaten today, and writing about pizza seems like a good way to do that.

So. I went on a date Friday night. A pizza date. And what was extra exciting about this pizza date was the fact that my date, Ernie, suggested a pizzeria that I'd never even heard of--a totally off my pizza radar restaurant! It was called Armand's, and was in Silver Spring (though, it's a mostly local chain). I was quite impressed with my smooth-voiced (really, he had a very nice voice) and stylish date's ability to find a place that I didn't even know existed. That's what's so magical about pizza--there is always new pizza out there to discover. I was also impressed with my date's thoughtfulness in bringing a camera along as a surprise, since he felt photos were missing from my blog. However, you'll notice that there are no photos here yet. He's not emailed me them... yet. He says he's forgetful. Maybe he'll read this and remember. Right?

Anyhow, so, the atmosphere was a nice blend of "dive" and "mom and pop" restaurant, and my seat looked like a throne/church pew. Awesome. The place specialized in "Chicago Style" deep dish.

So. Chicago pizza. I've had it. In Chicago. Many times. I it really should be. Relatively thin crust (all things considered) made with a bit of cornmeal (mmmcornmeal crust), and then just tons and tons of sauce, toppings, and cheese. Then, when served, the waiter serves up the first slice with flair, managing all of the cheese in a graceful swoop. Armand's...doesn't quite have it down. The crust was too thick (common error with chicago-style wannabes) and the server DID serve the first slice, but maybe not with the flair of a Chicago slice server. He did do a good job though, and truth be told, sometimes you don't want the glitz and showmanship, right?

The pizza, overall, was very, very good. The crust, though not exactly right, was very tasty. It surprised me, since normally I don't like really doughy crusts (hi, pizzeria paradiso...). The sauce was good--a darker sauce, without being too sweet--and the toppings (mushroom and onion) were generous and fresh (no canned mushrooms here). The cheese was glorious (they could have made a commercial about it in 1987, it was so glorious indeed. ). Overall, it was a great meal. I was impressed. And, on the rare chance that the urge for deep dish pizza were to strike me, I'd return. But, I mean, I do have a bias towards thinner crusted pizza. I like it when I can eat ungodly amounts of pizza. Deep dish is too filling for my inner glutton to be satisfied. I only ate 2.5 slices. I need to eat like, a whole pizza to feel like I've done a good job...

The rest of the evening was special. It involved awkward times with singing pirates. You may think I'm making this up, but I'm not. Singing pirate awkwardness aside, it was a good night though. I hope I have pictures to add to this post soon.