Saturday, January 30, 2010

Welcome to the *official* pizza blog

So, every year I make the same resolutions, based on vague concepts and difficult to actualize goals: be healthier, be happier, be neater, write more, etc.

This year, I decided to be more concrete in my focus. I officially have resolved to eat more pizza in 2010. I also resolve to write about it here.

I've already started this project, and I'd been posting my reviews to my other (more personal) blog, but I decided I wanted to filter out the pure pizza stuff from the every day personal sagas. I'll work on importing those reviews into this space soon.

Anyhow, this resolution has a few simple rules.

1) No pizza shall be denied. If I'm out and I'm hungry, and the menu has a (vegetarian) pizza on it, that's what I'm eating. And you'll hear about it here.

2) Once I've eaten a pizza, it's crossed off the list. No repeats. This is a rule I'm still working out the fine print on (for instance, jumbo slices may be exempt, because sometimes it's 2am and you're on U street and you just need a slice of pizza that could double as a bed sheet.) The idea behind this rule is to avoid falling into a pizza rut or comfort zone, and to push myself to continue to seek out new and exciting pizza options. It's also an effort to stop buying so many frozen pizzas at Trader Joe's.

3) When possible, pizza dining should be a social event. While I can eat an entire pizza on my own, it's more fun and probably better for me to share. So, if you want to eat pizza with me this year, you should let me know. I will always be down.

I'm also going to try to make a score sheet up for pizzas at some point. My co-worker, Matt, came up with the brilliant idea that I focus on just reviewing the pizzas now, and then by years end, develop an official score card and revisit the "best of the best" and use the score card to determine a winner. I like the way he thinks.

Anyhow. It's time for a year of pizza. Join me. You know you wanna.

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