Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Shoppers Value One Dollar Pizza

For the second Wednesday in a row, I've gone to lift weights in the Richie Collesium with Steven and Conor. For the second Wednesday in a row, I've been the only woman in that weightroom--it's next to frat row, so it's fairly frat-tastic. Steven and Conor are really awesome and patient and nice about showing me how to do all this stuff, and I feel pretty great afterwards, like I've accomplished something for womankind, or something. Anyhow, the only lame part about it is that, since I meet with them post-workshop, we don't get out of there until 7:30 or so, and that makes coming home and cooking dinner kinda a pain. I remedied that by buying a frozen pizza.

A one dollar frozen pizza.

Hells. Yes.

The Shopper's Brand Value Pizza, in "cheese flavor" (isn't this what they have to say when they can't claim real cheese was used? hmm...) measures up at about 6.5 inches in diameter, and weighs in at 370 calories, total. While microwaving was an option, I went with the oven baking method, since, well...microwaved frozen pizza (sans origami pizza box magic crisping tray) is never a good idea (heck, even with the tray it's rarely a good idea). The crust...well, even when placed directly on the rack in an oven preheated to 450 degrees never quite crisped up. I believe this was due to the gratuitous amount of dark red, pasty and sweet sauce. The cheese flavor cheese (? cheese like substance?) was a bit sparse. Even before placing it into the oven, I suspected the situation was dire, and took manners into my own hands by adding a few fresh portabella mushroom slices on top, in an attempt to fix it up some.

Once baked, a strange thing happened. I lifted my first slice to my mouth and...all of the toppings slid off in a sloppy pile of red sauce. Also, the "cheese" didn't really melt. The crust...well, it wasn't that bad. I'm happy though that I thought to add the mushrooms. Those were really tasty.

I...well. I'm a bit creeped out by the fact that I ate this pizza for dinner tonight. It wasn't really tasty, and after eating it, I felt as though I'd eaten nothing at all. Bad news. The worst news of all though is that, because the thing only cost a DOLLAR and the nutritional value isn't that far off of the lean cuisine pizza I ate a while back, I'd be hard pressed to choose either the lean cuisine or this pizza again in the future. Yeah. This stupid pizza was so bad, yet so cheap, that it's ruined my relatively good lean cuisine pizza eating experience. How can I ever justify eating something only marginally tastier but 4 times more expensive, just for the fancy box? Ugh.

In other news, stuff's been kinda crazy lately. The draft of my thesis is due Friday. I've been really busy at work. Work's been...not super good lately. When deadlines loom, people get on edge and sometimes they really like to take it out on our department...which I guess makes sense. It's our job to point out mistakes, and that bursts the bubble that what's been done up to that point was perfect as it was.

Anyhow. In addition to pizza, lately all I want to do is sleep. Preferably with a snuggle partner. My new favorite word (learned at work) is hygge, or 'snug and cozy feeling'. It's this central part of the Danish mentality, and, considering we don't quite have an equivalent word in English, it's clearly not something we take seriously enough. I need more hygge in my life. More coziness, more snuggliness, more good-warm-homey-comfort-feelingness. Yeah.

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