Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Updated List

I need to update my list of pizza places to try...I also really need to get around to posting those reviews of the, uh...more boring pizzas I've eaten as of late.

But, crossed off my original list at this point are Ellas, Red Rocks, Pete's a pizza, and Mama Lucias. Just a fun fact...I ate at 3 of the 4 of those places with Kim. Talk about a good partner in pizza crime! Though, perhaps she doesn't want me pointing out just how much pizza we've eaten together in the past month (Kim. We've eaten like, 7 pizzas in under a month together.)

So. The list as it stands now:

1) Pizza Paradiso (preferably on a Tuesday or Wednesday night when they have happy hour)
2) Pi Pizza (Adams Morgan)
3) Comet Ping Pong (Tenleytown? Pizza and ping pong? Um, yes plz.)
4) The disco Jumbo Slice on U street (cos it's so awesome)
5) Two Amys (Woodley Park?)

Um, I'm going to stop here. I can list more, of course, but these are the 5 that I have my sights set on for now. Also, I'm fairly certain I'll be able to hit up number 4 post backdoor at 9:30 party on Saturday.

While I'm at it, let's talk about some of those pizzas I ate with Kim. Starting with...Ellas.

Dude, fuck Ella's pizza. Seriously! Like, it could be all nice and all. It's schmancy as hell, all up in Penn Quarter, and it really ain't all that. But look. Want to make me mad? Then don't differentiate on your menu between sauced pizzas and white pizzas. Make me guess whether that pizza actually comes with cheese on it or not. Be vague about your pizza basics and jack up the prices, to boot. Seriously. WOMP WOMP WOMP on Ella's Pizza. Yes, when I went there over the summer after a two hot day of being a tourist with my parents, it was nice. It was nice because I was sunburnt and about to pass out from heat and hunger (seriously? how does my mother go for like, 9 hours without eating?) . I guess my memories were tinged by the sheer joy food and water brought me in that moment. Plus, you know, the warm fuzziness I get when I'm with my parents (no. Wait. I mean the warm fuzziness I get when I think about being with my parents when they're not around. I was probably grumpy and snapping at them like a brat in that moment.) Anyhow. I'm getting away from the point here. The point is that I thought it was going to be a lot better than it was when I returned there with Kim on Friday, February 12th.

Kim ordered a straight margherita (duh. must be done!) and I ordered the mushroom pizza. The mushroom pizza that had an "olive oil" sauce (mmm, grease!) and NO CHEESE! Yeah. No sauce. No cheese. No mention of either of these things on the menu. I guess...I guess I'm just so used to most places making it clearer what's on their pizzas and what isn't. Either they'll note all pizzas come with x, y, and z, or they'll specifically note No sauce! or something. Not Ella's. Nope. But when my pizza came out and I was clearly not impressed with it (nay--really disappointed upon first sight), the waiter asked if something was wrong. And I said "well...I guess, I almost asked before I ordered, but I assumed this would have cheese on it!" And he says "Oh! Not a problem, let me go ask them to put some on." And...this made me happy. I was optimistic once again. It came back with some gooey half melted globs of mozzarella, and the oil crust was really soggy, but...I appreciated the effort. The pizza wasn't my thing. The mushrooms were over salty and it was just way too greasy. Overall, it didn't even seem like pizza to me. Kim's margherita was fine--pretty good, even. And...well. Look. Here's something you can argue with me on. That's fine. When we got the bill...I was charged an extra 2.50 for the cheese on my pizza. I mean. I guess I should have assumed this. I guess. But...I guess, too, when a waiter offers something like that because they notice you seem unhappy, they do it to make it better, not make an extra few bucks. Or...they tell you it's gonna cost extra. I mean. The cheese was not worth the 2.50. It wasn't a great addition, and I thought he was just trying to be nice. I got it though that that's how it all works, and I mean, no, I'm not going to complain about such a thing, nor really blame the waiter at all...but I will write a scathing review of the place on my little pizza blog, goddammit!

The other pizza I ate with Kim was takeout from Mama Lucias. Kim was coming over to watch Lady Gaga perform with Elton John (who, FYI, is helping Eminem overcome his drug problems and homophobia) on the Grammys, but we both missed the performance (doh!) Mama Lucia's is probably the best pizza you can get in College Park. And I like it cos it's right up the street. It's decent. It was good food. It was slightly cold though, because my phone wasn't working and I didn't know Kim was waiting outside with it calling me to come let her in. It's a good, basic, new york style floppy pizza. No complaints, but nothing special, either. Also, Grammys? WTF? I don't remember the last time I actually watched the Grammys (or...wait. I do. It was when Bjork was nominated for that one song with the video by Spike Jonze...that was...1998?). But yeah, that shit was effed up. Some band of country music playing Zack Galifinakises beat out all sorts of good stuff for best new artist. Weird.

Okay. I'm feeling a bit more caught up now. Phew.

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